• Let's work together

    Bring about Change
    To those who are Blind

    Know Our Impact



Over a billion people live with a vision impairment that is preventable or treatable.

90% of people affected with vision impairment live in developing countries, where not being able to see often means a life of poverty.

80% of visually impaired people live with limited access to eye care.

90% of all vision impairments can be cured or prevented.

INR 50 - Half of blindness is caused by cataracts that you can easily fix for only INR 50

Blindness Is A Cause & An Outcome Of Poverty

The World Health Organisation estimates that between 2010-2020 the cumulative impact of blindness and visual impairment in India is $162 billion.

The Indian Districts with lower levels of social, economic, education and health indicators have the highest incidence of blindness. People with no and low vision are at a significant disadvantage. They suffer from poverty, malnutrition, lack of education opportunities and social isolation. This in turn affects their families and ultimately the community at large.

Chance To See

100% of your donation amount goes for sight restoration surgeries.

Box of Sight

Sponsor our Eye Campaign and help unprivileged areas to get Eye care.

Buy A Frame

Your little help will give next generation a chance to succeed.

Education For Future

Support a Girl Child to become a Qualified Optometrist.

Pledge On Birthday

This year free someone from burden of blindness on your birthday.
Become a volunteer

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